Saturday 31 July 2010


I need to get used to facts. Looking for them, processing them into meaningful data and then using them to back arguments or even possibly come up with whole new ideas. That is important if I mean to communicate effectively and powerfully, but it is also important if I mean to develop plans and concepts within my own head (and then, perhaps, communicate it to others, haha).

I’m such a Sophist, and I assume that must be bad. My Sophism leads me to create numerous empty arguments to explain why this isn’t actually bad, but nah, the world doesn’t operate that way and if I want to work with everyone else, well, I ought to learn the (Socratic) rules of the game.

Damn. Creating funny arguments on silly topics just for the sake of idiotic mindfuck is such a cool pastime. Oh well, the wonders of being an adult…

(jk, there's a lot of fun in this sort of factual activity, too. Being a humble explorer isn't as empowering as being an absolute monarch, but it’s sometimes a lot more beautiful.)

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