Monday, 21 December 2009

oh yes, a list

the things I would love to do. The ones that would restitute my rightful powers (:

(order nor important, relevant nor by any means meaningful)

- Write my review about Public Education in Brasil, send it to my school and to the Ministry of Education, with suggestions.

- Create a alternative model of a cool school, based on my own feelings and answers collected from other people through survey, send it the aforementioned Ministry. When they don't answer, and they won't answer properly, SPAMSPAMSPAMTHEMWITHTHATUNTILTHEYDIE.

- Write a booklet with a basic overview of the Math usually taught to us, so that people who don't like might have a chance to find out that it's actually quite nice and beautiful and alright.

- Build a led tie much like that worn by Kraftwerk members in the music video for "Die Roboter", dress myself like them, take pictures and use them in all my official documents.

- Build a voice modulator to sound like a robot.

- Build shiny, twinkly or both things to make my world look like a Christmas tree or give to people as presents.

- Build the simplest robot possible with the purpose of being programmed to roughly act like my dogs. Because my dogs are awesome, and that would be a fair homage.

- pictures

- Ionic music

- Have a pretty garden, and mess up with it for the sake of seeing how plants are in real life (not just in books)

- Study for the second part of my admission exams, but do it in a way that's mine, useful and nice (question things without feeling guilty about that, claim for a proof without feeling like a sinner). Don't panic about the lack of time and the obvious FAIL that's on the way to hit by the time the results come out.

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